Burak Akçapar

I have authored three academic books and several book chapters and articles... One was translated into Turkish. Links to my books are below.
People's Mission to the Ottoman Empire
Oxford University Press, 2014
Researching and writing People's Mission was a delightful experience. I launched the book with a lecture at St. Anthony's, Oxford. The link to its podcast is at the following page.
Halkın Fermanı
Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2022
This is the Turkish translation of the People's Mission. However, I took the opportunity to add some photos and additional commentary.
Turkey's New European Era
Rowman and Littlefield, 2006
This is a review of the dynamics facing Turkish foreign policy in a multi-regional setting. The pull of the EU is no longer there owing almost entirely to intra-EU factors but I wasn't wrong about a lot of things I argued in this book.
The International Law of Conventional Arms Control in Europe
Nomos 1996
(Out of stock)
My very first book! I am proud of it. We are living the consequences of not heeding the call of the CFE Treaty in distress.
You can find my profile at academia.edu: